European students of sound design and / or film music composition
Create a new sound and/or music for a selected short film (see below)
Join the European Talent Competition in the categories film music composition and
sound design! Win a one day recording session with the Radio Orchestra of
the Western German Radio in Cologne, sound libraries and sound designer
tools that will help you to gain ground in professional business.
Show your skills and create a new sound track / sound design for one of the
short films offered by SoundTrack_Cologne below.
You can dowload the full-resolution films when you accept our participation
conditions and fill out our application form.
Please see the previews of the films below.
1 | Title: Used Up/Arbeit am Ende
Director: Carmen Losmann
Producer: Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Duration: 00:05:34:13 (film starts at 00:00:06:00)
Date and country of production: Germany 2005
European Talent Competition in the categories film music composition and
sound design
Download | (Quicktime, 3 MB)

2 | Title: Mate to Measure/Zasukanec
Director: Spela Cadez
Producer: Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Duration: 00:06:48:23 (film starts at 00:00:06:00)
Date and country of production: Germany/Slovenia 2004
European Talent Competition in the categories film music composition and
sound design
Download | (Quicktime, 3 MB)
Nominees for the European Talent Competition | PDF
Englisch Programme European University Meeting | PDF
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