
Sorry - online accreditation is closed.

Please register for your accreditation at the accreditation counter:

on Nov 24, between 6 and 10 pm, at Kölnischer Kunstverein (1st floor, Hahnenstr. 6, 50667 Cologne)

during the opening, Nov 25, between 6 and 10 pm, at Gloria Theater (Apostelnstr. 11 - 50667 Cologne)

from Nov 26 - 28, at the accreditation counter at Kölnischer Kunstverein (1st floor, Hahnenstr. 6, 50667 Cologne)

Opening hours:
Fr., Nov 26, 9:30 am to 20 pm
Sa., Nov 27 9:30 am to 18 pm
Su., Nov 28 11:30 am to 18 pm

ATTENTION: Payment only in cash!

SoundTrack_Cologne | c/o Televisor | Trajanstr. 27 | 50678 Köln | fon ++49 221 931844 0 |